Featured News 2012 Use the Right Gas for a Safe Ride

Use the Right Gas for a Safe Ride

When you go to the gas station, you are often presented with four different choices. You can put the cheaper, unleaded gas in your car, the premium gas, the premium plus gas, or diesel fuel. Some stations will throw in a special unleaded gas or a mid-grade unleaded gas to add to your list. When you head to the gas station to fill up your car, you need to know which the right gas for your vehicle is. While most people always choose the cheap, unleaded gas, you may need to purchase the more expensive stuff in order to keep your car running longer. If you fill up on the wrong type of gas, you could end up with engine trouble, and that in turn could send you into a dangerous accident.

Putting the wrong fuel into your car can be a big problem if you are supposed to use premium and instead choose to save some money by buying regular fuel. If you take the other way around and buy premium gas for your car the needs regular, you will probably not run into any problems. Yet putting regular fuel in a car that needs a higher quality can cause the engine to balk up. As well, it can bring on a loss of power and an inefficient combustion level. Diesel fuel should only be used in cars that have a diesel engine, or else it has serious consequences. In most cases, the diesel fuel nozzle is too wide to fit in cars that don’t have a diesel engine. This helps people to avoid making the mistake of putting diesel in their regular car.

Yet the Automobile Association says that this incident does occur every once a while. If you put diesel in your car, you should call a towing company and have them take the car to a mechanic to have the system flushed. You don’t want to turn on your car, because it will start to smoke and the engine will run roughly. If you have a diesel engine and accidentally put regular fuel inside, this can create very serious issues. Burning gas in a diesel engine will damage the duel injector and the fuel pump. You will need to tow the car to a mechanic and have the fuel system flushed so that you don’t end up with a smoking or ruined automobile.

In some cases, you may put bad gas in your car, which can also cause problems. Dirty gas which contains debris or rust will clog your fuel filter. It can also cause damage to fuel pump and cause the fuel delivery to get dirty or blocked. The car will act like it is out of gas when this happens, and you may end up in the middle of the road without any way to mobilize your car. If you put old gas in your car, the fuel will lose its volatility. This means that the fuel will turn into a varnish that will coat your gas tank and carburetor. If you run the engine with this old gas inside it will cause serious engine damage and create debris in the gas tank.

Low octane gas can also cause combustion problems and make the engine knock. It will also keep the engine running even after you shut off the ignition. In addition to being cautious what gas you put in your tank, make sure to avoid letting water in. It will cause the car to buck, stall, or fail to start. The fuel and water won’t mix, and this can create rust and corrosion. Make sure to make wise choices when filling up your car with fuel to avoid serious accidents and car problems in the future.

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