Obesity: A Driving Danger
Posted on Feb 12, 2013 2:13pm PST
There are many factors that can create a traffic accident fatality, but one of the newest studies show that obese men and women have a higher probability of dying in a traffic accident than average size people. The Emergency Medicine Journal declares that people of normal weight will most likely survive an accident while those who are overweight or obese will suffer significant health implications as a part of the obesity epidemic in the United States. The researchers from the Safe Transportation and Education Research center at the University of California say that the continually growing obesity rate in the United States is leading to more and more deathly car crashes. The study in the Emergency Medicine Journal is based on the data from the US Fatality Analysis Reporting System.
The data was collected between 1996 and 2008 and includes all deaths as a direct result of traffic accidents that happened within 30 days that the accident occurred. During this period, the researchers looked at 57,491 crashes and then looked at the models of cars involved in the fatal crashes and the body types of the people that were driving the cars. There were 3,403 drivers that died in accidents and had available data about their weight and seat-belt use when in the car. Of all of these people, about half were of a normal weight, one-third were significantly overweight and 18 percent were considered obese. Obesity in this study was defined as having a body mass induct of 30 or higher. Overweight was considered a body mass index between 25 and 29.9.
Researchers discovered that those who are obese have an increased risk of dying in a car crash. The larger a person is, the higher their chances of being harmed in an accident. For example, people who have a BMI between 30 and 34.9 have a 21 percent higher risk of dying in a car accident that a person of normal weight. People who have a BMI between 35 and 39.9 have a 51 percent higher risk of dying in a car accident and people with a BMI above 40 have an 80 percent or higher risk of frying in a car accident. The researchers on this project also noted that one-third of all people who died in the car crashes that were recorded did not have their seatbelts on properly. This was often because their bodies were large and they were not able to comfortably install the seatbelt the way it was designed to be worn.
In addition to the seatbelt factor, many obese people have health issues which could make them more prone to death in the event of a car accident. Overweight individuals are at a higher risk to diabetes and some cardiac conditions. Also, scientists believe that one of the reasons for the heightened death probability is because of the way an overweight or obese person is propelled forward in a car accident. Authors of the study say that in a collision, the lower body of the obese person is propelled further forward on impact because the seatbelt does not lock up around the pelvis as quickly. This is because an obese person has soft tissue which prevents the belt from fitting snugly.
The upper body is held back as the lower half of the body flies forward, and this can create fatal injuries. Another research project at the University of Buffalo says that people who are morbidly obese have a 56 percent greater chance of dying in a car accident than those who are a normal weight. This is partially because obese people are less-likely to wear seatbelts than those who are normal weight because the belts are not nearly as comfortable for them. If you are injured in a car accident or your loved one is killed in an accident that could have been prevented by another party, then you need to contact a car accident litigation firm near you today for more information.
With the right attorney on your side you will be able to argue for compensation from a part at fault. There are many times that an accident is due to a drunk driver, an irresponsible or distracted motorist, or an unlicensed individual. In these cases, you have every right to seek compensation from the party who caused the accident to occur. Whether you have lost a loved one or were harmed yourself, the right litigator can help you to get the money you need to cover medical bills and facilitate a more comfortable lifestyle for you as you recover.
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