Featured News 2015 Scanners Could Fix Flawed Recall Tire System

Scanners Could Fix Flawed Recall Tire System

You could be driving a car with recalled tires subject to blowouts right now. In an effort to improve a flawed and inefficient tire recall system, scanners may be the answer.

In 2014, 7 On Your Side purchased three recalled tires from Costco that had a problem puncturing, which could lead to accidents and death. Now, manufacturers and retailers are pressured to remove recalled tires from the roads and store shelves.

Too Many Recalled Tires on the Roads

ABC 7 reports that federal regulators estimate that between 20 and 38 percent of recalled tires are actually taken off the roads. This leaves a large number of recalled tires on vehicles, where they can cause accidents and injure motorists.

Advocates believe that a scanning system is much better than the recall systems that we have in place now. Such a system would save time and it would be highly accurate.

Under the current recall system, tire manufacturers send out recall notices in the mail. B. Meyerhoff, of Seaview Tire and Brakes in Pacifica estimates that two-thirds of the tire manufacturers that he deals with don't mail out notices.

Instead of receiving recall notices in the mail, he's forced to look up recall information on a government database. He told ABC 7 that if he scrolls through, there's about 20 (recalls) on each screen.

The Tire Industry Association recently showed its support for a system that would make tires scannable, this way retailers and consumers could be alerted of recalls. Alien Technology spokesperson, Neil Mitchell said that such a system is actually very feasible.

The Rubber Manufacturers Association, however, said that it's too early to implement such a system because the infrastructure is not in place.

Alien Technology estimated that to add the scannable technology to tires, it would add just $1 to the cost of each tire.

Were you injured in a car accident due to a defective tire? Contact a personal injury attorney in our directory for help filing a claim!

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