Featured News 2016 Summer Driving Tips

Summer Driving Tips

Who doesn't love the summer? For singles and families alike, the warmer weather often means weekend getaways and long road trips. But like every other time of the year, there are special safety concerns that must be considered before taking a longer than usual drive.

When it's hot, you have to take special precautions, otherwise you can cause serious damage to your vehicle's engine, placing you and your family in dangerous situations. Regular maintenance such as tire rotations, oil changes and tune-ups will do a lot to protect your car and keep you safe on the road.

If you are planning a trip, make sure your vehicle has been serviced according to the manufacturer's recommendations and if not, get your car serviced before you hit the road.

Follow Our Safety Tips

Now that your vehicle has been serviced, next you want to think about safety. To ensure a safe ride, follow these tips:

  • Make sure everybody wears their seatbelts.
  • Whatever you do, don't text and drive!
  • Don't drive while fatigued. If you're drowsy, catch some shuteye at a nearby hotel.
  • Watch for driver distractions, such as children or pets in the vehicle. Take your eyes off the wheel for a few seconds and you can get into a deadly crash.
  • Don't drive under the influence of alcohol or sedating prescription medications. Driving under the influence of alcohol or even prescriptions is not only dangerous, you can get a DUI.
  • Never leave your child alone in a parked car, even if the engine is running and you have the AC on. Most parents are not aware that a child's body temperature can rise up to 5 times faster than adults.
  • During the summer, a child left in a vehicle can rapidly develop heat stroke. On an 80-degree day, the temperature in your car can be deadly in as little as 10 minutes.

If you are involved in a summertime crash, use this directory to find an experienced car accident attorney in your area to help you file a claim for compensation!

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