Featured News 2016 Who Is At-Fault in a Multi-Car Accident?

Who Is At-Fault in a Multi-Car Accident?

Given the fact that it's the season for slippery, wet road conditions, you may be thinking about what were to happen if you were in a multi-car pileup. But, in reality, this is something to think about year-round because a multi-vehicle accident can happen any time of year.

What if you were in an accident that involved three or more vehicles, how would the insurance companies determine who was at-fault? In the majority of states, there are rules in place that help insurance companies determine fault, and this includes multiple car accidents.

When it comes to a multi-vehicle accident, determining fault isn't necessarily going to be that difficult because it often comes down to one question, who was in the back of the accident?

Insurance companies are interested in who was driving in the rear. Why? Because, usually it's the driver in the back that plows into the rear of another vehicle, and then that car is thrust forward into the car in front of them.

Often, it's just that one car, the one in the back that caused the chain reaction, so that driver is the one that his considered responsible for the whole accident.

When More Than One Driver is Accountable

Sometimes, especially in states that use Personal Injury Protection, more than one party can be considered liable for the accident. In that case, the fault is determined by the police officer who wrote the report, or it can be decided by the insurance adjusters.

For example, one of the drivers may be considered to be 75% at fault, while another driver is deemed to be 25% responsible for the accident. In some multi-car pileups, each driver has some level of liability in the collision.

If you were involved in a multiple car accident and another driver's insurance company is pointing the finger at you, you can challenge their decision.

Contact a car accident attorney from our directory for the legal representation you need to protect your interests!

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