Willens & Baez Personal Injury Lawyers, P.C. Articles Why Is It Important to Keep Water in Your Car?

Why Is It Important to Keep Water in Your Car?

By Matthew Willens  Jan. 26, 2017 8:09a

Emergencies such as vehicle breakdowns or car accidents happen all the time, and they can happen to anyone. While it is not possible to avoid these emergencies altogether, it is possible to be prepared. A simple step to preventing a crisis while traveling in your vehicle is to keep an emergency kit handy.

Our car accident lawyer Mathew Willens lawyer informs us that one of the best things you can have on hand for emergency preparedness is clean water. It is an important tool in almost every vehicle-related emergency. Every driver should pack an extra gallon of clean drinking water in the trunk of their car as it can help avoid many dangerous situations.

Clean drinking water can prove extremely useful in several potentially dangerous situations such as a vehicle breakdown. By having clean drinking water on hand, you can remain hydrated until help arrives.

To counter overheating

It is not uncommon for cars to begin overheating during summer months. By having some clean water available, you can help cool the vehicle down. You can add clean water to the radiator to help cool the car in event of an emergency.

Clean water in your vehicle also adds weight to the vehicle. This additional weight in the car helps your car gain better traction in cool winter conditions.

The stored water can also be useful in case your vehicle runs out of window washer fluid. You can use clean water to clear the windshield or dirt and debris, which is extremely important for safe driving.

Clean water can be extremely helpful in case there is an emergency involving car accident injuries. Clean water is important for caring for wounds and dehydration.

Staying hydrated in an emergency situation

One of the most important reasons for keeping clean drinking water in the car is in case of an emergency when you may be stranded. This is even more important when you are on a long trip. While it is said that a human can survive for three days without water, when you are stranded in hot and humid weather, you can become dehydrated very soon and this can create several health complications. Sipping on water can keep you going even for hours before help arrives and you are rescued.

Keeping yourself hydrated is even more important if you are injured. When you are quickly losing body fluids, drinking water is something can help you survive those crucial hours.

Have you been injured in a car accident?

It is not uncommon for people to get into Chicago auto accidents and suffer injuries. If you have been injured in a car accident, and you need help with your claim, you should contact an experienced and qualified attorney.

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