Featured News 2014 Car Accidents Happen, But Mostly to Teens & Seniors

Car Accidents Happen, But Mostly to Teens & Seniors

It's a fact of life: car accidents happen. Whether the fault of the driver, weather, or roadway, thousands of accidents happen every day that range from mild fender benders to serious crashes. In fact, according to statistics, car accidents occur on an average of every 14 seconds in the United States. Risks such as driver's age and location can have immense consequences on the likelihood of the driver to be involved in a car accident.

Teenagers Top the Charts

Per some of the most recent statistics, teenagers are the highest risk group when it comes to drivers, which corresponds to the amount of public awareness campaigns that are focused on this age range.

Just consider some of these facts:

  • For each mile that a teenager drives, their likelihood of involvement in a crash increases by 4%.
  • Each year, 40,000 teenagers are injured in car accidents.
  • Costs accounted for by drivers under the age of 24 surpass $26 billion annually.
  • Only 10% of teenagers in the nation report wearing their seat belts.
  • Teenagers are more likely to pass speed limits and tailgate other cars.
  • Teenage males were in the majority of those that are involved in these types of accidents.

Senior Drivers Also Accident-Prone

Those over the age of 65 are the second most likely to be involved in a car accident. While those in this age range are more likely to drive slower and safer, they are more likely to crash than other younger drivers.

Seniors often suffer from declining vision and other cognitive functions, which can be linked to the increased likelihood of an accident. Older drivers can help prevent crashes while driving by limiting distractions, driving in the daytime and in good weather, and maintaining physical health as much as possible.

How Location Can Affect Accident Rates

Location matters when it comes to the likelihood of being involved in a car accident. According to statistics, just living in Newark, New Jersey puts a driver at the highest risk for an accident out of any place in the nation. Surprisingly, rural accidents are more likely to occur than urban ones, due to collisions with wildlife such as deer that may appear in the road in less-densely populated areas.

Most car accidents occur within three miles of the driver's home, especially when they begin to become relaxed and take their mind off the road. As always, the best way to prevent a car accident is to remain alert and focused when behind the wheel and be sure not to drive while intoxicated.

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