Study Shows Drugs an Issue in Traffic Fatalities
By Odierno Law Firm, P.C.
Jun. 17, 2013 1:47p
A recent study conducted by the Institute for Traffic Safety Management and Research (ITSMR) looked at the issue of drug association with fatal traffic accidents. The study found that drugs were involved in one out of six traffic fatalities, translating to a 16 percent involvement. The study backed up findings by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in 2009 which showed that 18 percent of traffic fatalities involved a positive drug testing. Drug impairment in driving can stem from illegal drug use, such as marijuana, cocaine, and other narcotics as well as prescription drug use. In a second study concerning this issue, the number of New York drivers ticketed for drug-impaired driving was researched as well as how these arrests compared to alcohol-impaired driving arrests.
The findings of the second study showed that tickets issued for drug-impaired driving rose by 20 percent during the years 2007 to 2011 compared to a reduction of 15 percent in alcohol-impaired driving tickets. Female drivers who were ticketed for drug-impaired driving rose from 17 percent in 2007 to 24 percent in 2010 and 2011. This was a larger increase than in alcohol-impaired driving arrests for women during the same period, which rose from 22 percent (2007) to 25 percent (2011). It can be concluded from these findings that driving while under the influence of drugs is becoming more prevalent in the population.
Other findings from the study showed that the age group most likely to be ticketed for drugged driving was those between the ages of 21 and 29. This group showed an increase from 49 percent of the drugged-driving tickets in 2007 to 56 percent of those tickets in 2011. The study called for increased enforcement measures against this dangerous driving behavior as well as better public education and awareness concerning drugged driving.
Long Island Motor Vehicle Accident Attorney
Driving under the influence of alcohol and / or drugs is one form of negligent driving behavior which can result in traffic accident injuries and deaths. Other forms of driver negligence include driving while texting or using a cell phone, ignoring traffic signals, signs, and laws, speeding, and simply not paying attention while behind the wheel. Those who are harmed by these negligent behaviors in accidents may lose days, weeks, months, or years of work while needing medical care to handle their injuries and disabilities.
If you or a loved one has been harmed through negligence in a traffic accident in the New York area of Long Island or surrounding communities, the Odierno Law Firm, P.C. can help you take the legal action necessary to recover rightful compensation. With more than 30 years of practice in the field of personal injury and wrongful death, the legal team has the experience and competence necessary to help you obtain a settlement or verdict that is fair and just. Don't let an insurance company discount, delay, or deny you the compensation to which you are entitled. Contact the firm for a free consultation to get the guidance and representation that can make a difference in the outcome of your case.